Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Change of scenery

So the rumors are true. Ok well at least one of them. I finally got a job and we are making a big move up to Logan this summer!!! I will be working with an early intervention team specializing in special needs children (0-3 years) and Ronnie will be enjoying all that USU has to offer with a nifty 50% tuition discount. We are excited to move, sad to leave! We are trying to start a great migration to Logan- inviting all of our friends and family to come with us. No takers yet, but we are still hopefull.

As of now, we are still homeless. So, if any of you have any connections to Logan or know of a great place- PLEASE call me! Don't mean to sound desperate, cause we aren't. But you know, it helps!


  1. I love Logan! You guys will have a great time up there and housing is so cheap! Best of luck to both of you :-)

  2. Wait, what's up with the baby picture? Was that the other rumor... that's not true?
